#fbf: The Blue Jay & The Twinship

Feven & Helena

F&H and the Blue Jay F&H and the Blue Jay

FLASH BACK FRIDAY…that time we met a blue jay!

On our way to take photos in front of the MLK mural, we found this blue jay popping out of a book, so of course we had to share it with you all! It was a very Alice in Wonderland on-the-streets-of-LA-kind-of-moment.

Did you know that blue jays are “talkative creatures utilizing a wide range of vocalizations to express their opinions?”  Umm…where do we begin with that? Let’s just say, the Twinship has a ‘twinship’ with the blue jay!

Thanks, Gravity Pull, for the photo.


Feven & Helena #twinship

P.S. We’re are loving our custom made peplum top from Ghana!

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